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pipes (3512B)

      1 #!/usr/bin/env bash
      2 # Animated pipes terminal screensaver.
      3 #
      4 # This modified version is maintained at:
      5 #
      6 #
      8 # options:
      9 # s = straight [5-15]
     10 # f = rate [20-100]
     11 # t = style [0-5]
     12 # r = ttl
     14 VERSION=0.1.0
     16 M=32768
     17 p=1
     18 f=75 s=13 r=2000 t=0
     19 w=$(tput cols) h=$(tput lines)
     20 # ab -> idx = a*4 + b
     21 # 0: up, 1: right, 2: down, 3: left
     22 # 00 means going up   , then going up   -> ┃
     23 # 12 means going right, then going down -> ┓
     24 sets=(
     25     "┃┏ ┓┛━┓  ┗┃┛┗ ┏━"
     26     "│╭ ╮╯─╮  ╰│╯╰ ╭─"
     27     "│┌ ┐┘─┐  └│┘└ ┌─"
     28     "║╔ ╗╝═╗  ╚║╝╚ ╔═"
     29     "|+ ++-+  +|++ +-"
     30     "|/ \/-\  \|/\ /-"
     31 )
     32 v=()
     33 RNDSTART=0
     34 NOCOLOR=0
     36 OPTIND=1
     37 while getopts "p:t:f:s:r:RChv" arg; do
     38 case $arg in
     39     p) ((p=(OPTARG>0)?OPTARG:p));;
     40     t) ((OPTARG>=0 && OPTARG<${#sets[@]})) && V+=($OPTARG);;
     41     f) ((f=(OPTARG>19 && OPTARG<101)?OPTARG:f));;
     42     s) ((s=(OPTARG>4 && OPTARG<16 )?OPTARG:s));;
     43     r) ((r=(OPTARG>=0)?OPTARG:r));;
     44     R) RNDSTART=1;;
     45     C) NOCOLOR=1;;
     46     h) echo -e "Usage: $(basename $0) [OPTION]..."
     47         echo -e "Animated pipes terminal screensaver.\n"
     48         echo -e " -p [1-]\tnumber of pipes (D=1)."
     49         echo -e " -t [0-$((${#sets[@]} - 1))]\ttype of pipes, can be used more than once (D=0)."
     50         echo -e " -f [20-100]\tframerate (D=75)."
     51         echo -e " -s [5-15]\tprobability of a straight fitting (D=13)."
     52         echo -e " -r LIMIT\treset after x characters, 0 if no limit (D=2000)."
     53         echo -e " -R \t\trandom starting point."
     54         echo -e " -C \t\tno color."
     55         echo -e " -h\t\thelp (this screen)."
     56         echo -e " -v\t\tprint version number.\n"
     57         exit 0;;
     58     v) echo "$(basename -- "$0") $VERSION"
     59         exit 0
     60     esac
     61 done
     63 # set default values if not by options
     64 ((${#V[@]})) || V=(0)
     66 # Attempt to workaround for Bash versions < 4, such as 3.2 on Mac:
     67 #
     68 # Untested--in conduction of using shebang `env bash`--should fall back to
     69 # `sleep`
     70 printf -v SLEEP "read -t0.0$((1000/f)) -n 1"
     71 if $SLEEP &>/dev/null; (($? != 142)); then
     72   printf -v SLEEP "sleep 0.0$((1000/f))"
     73 fi
     75 cleanup() {
     76     # clear up standard input
     77     read -t 0 && cat </dev/stdin>/dev/null
     79     tput rmcup
     80     tput cnorm
     81     stty echo
     82     exit 0
     83 }
     84 trap cleanup SIGHUP SIGINT SIGTERM
     86 for (( i=1; i<=p; i++ )); do
     87     c[i]=$((i%8)) n[i]=0 l[i]=0
     88     ((x[i]=RNDSTART==1?RANDOM*w/32768:w/2))
     89     ((y[i]=RNDSTART==1?RANDOM*h/32768:h/2))
     90     v[i]=${V[${#V[@]} * RANDOM / M]}
     91 done
     93 stty -echo
     94 tput smcup
     95 tput reset
     96 tput civis
     97 # any key press exits the loop and this script
     98 while $SLEEP; (($? > 128)) || [[ $SLEEP = sleep* ]] && (($? == 0)); do
     99     for (( i=1; i<=p; i++ )); do
    100         # New position:
    101         ((${l[i]}%2)) && ((x[i]+=-${l[i]}+2,1)) || ((y[i]+=${l[i]}-1))
    103         # Loop on edges (change color on loop):
    104         ((${x[i]}>w||${x[i]}<0||${y[i]}>h||${y[i]}<0)) && ((c[i]=RANDOM%8, v[i]=V[${#V[@]}*RANDOM/M]))
    105         ((x[i]=(x[i]+w)%w))
    106         ((y[i]=(y[i]+h)%h))
    108         # New random direction:
    109         ((n[i]=RANDOM%s-1))
    110         ((n[i]=(${n[i]}>1||${n[i]}==0)?${l[i]}:${l[i]}+${n[i]}))
    111         ((n[i]=(${n[i]}<0)?3:${n[i]}%4))
    113         # Print:
    114         tput cup ${y[i]} ${x[i]}
    115         [[ $NOCOLOR == 0 ]] && echo -ne "\033[1;3${c[i]}m"
    116         echo -n "${sets[v[i]]:l[i]*4+n[i]:1}"
    117         l[i]=${n[i]}
    118     done
    119     ((r>0 && t*p>=r)) && tput reset && tput civis && t=0 || ((t++))
    120 done
    122 cleanup