1 # nubbins 2 3 ## compare contents of two directories 4 ``` 5 for f in $(find dir1/ -type f | awk -F/ '{print $NF}') ; do 6 find dir2/ -type f -name "$f" -exec echo {} is in both \; 7 done 8 ``` 9 10 ## processes 11 12 ### zombies 13 check the number of [zombie processes][] 14 ``` 15 ps aux | awk '$8 ~ /Z/ { print }' | wc -l 16 ``` 17 18 ### sort by resource usage 19 find [top processes][] sorted by mem or cpu usage 20 ``` 21 ps -eo pid,ppid,cmd,%mem,%cpu --sort=-%mem | head 22 ``` 23 24 ## tmux ssh 25 use tmux window name to ssh (.bashrc function example) 26 ``` 27 ssh() { 28 [ $# -eq 0 ] && \ 29 /usr/bin/ssh $(tmux display-message -p '#W') || \ 30 /usr/bin/ssh $* 31 ``` 32 33 [zombie processes]: 34 [top processes]: