1 # systemd 2 3 ## systemctl 4 5 also see [journalctl](/linux/journalctl) 6 7 ```bash 8 systemctl list-units [ --all | --type=service ] 9 ``` 10 11 - show all enabled and disabled services 12 ```bash 13 systemctl list-unit-files 14 ``` 15 16 #### create service file 17 ``` 18 vi /etc/systemd/system/<name>.service 19 ``` 20 21 ([manage systemd][]) 22 23 ## user services 24 run `systemctl` (without sudo) and with the `--user` option 25 26 service files are created under '$HOME/.config/systemd/user' 27 28 ### example user service file 29 ``` 30 [Unit] 31 Description=This is an example 32 33 [Service] 34 ExecStart=/path/to/command 35 36 [Install] 37 38 ``` 39 ([writing user units][]) 40 41 enable and start the user service (without sudo) 42 ``` 43 systemctl --user enable <service> 44 systemctl --user start <service> 45 systemctl --user status <service> 46 ``` 47 48 49 [manage systemd]: 50 [writing user units]: