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      1 # freebsd
      3 * [pf firewall](/networking/pf)
      5 ## setting up new install
      6 * update
      7 ```
      8 freebsd-update fetch install
      9 ```
     10 * install package manager
     11 ```
     12 pkg update
     13 ```
     15 ## check memory
     16 ```
     17 dmesg | grep -i memory
     18 ```
     20 * colemak ergonomic alt (colemak.acc.kbd) keymap
     21 * add user to wheel group to be able to `su`
     23 ## post install
     24 ```
     25 su
     26 pkg update
     27 pkg install sudo xorg herbstluftwm rxvt-unicode vim git zsh tmux stow unclutter xcape xbindkeys keychain dmenu bash
     28 # edit sudoers to allow wheel group
     29 # g clone tamzen font - follow readme for install
     30 unlink ~/.xserverrc
     31 sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/zsh /usr/bin/zsh
     32 sudo chsh pyratebeard
     33 	shell > /usr/local/bin/zsh
     34 ```
     36 ### wifi config
     37 ```
     38 sudo su -
     39 sysctl net.wlan.devices  # check device id
     40 vi /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
     41 	network={
     42 		ssid="ssid"
     43 		psk="passwd"
     44 	}
     45 vi /etc/rc.conf
     46 	wlans_ath0="wlan0"
     47 	ifconfig_wlan0="WPA SYNCDHCP"
     48 vi /boot/loader.conf
     49 	if_ath_load="YES"
     50 	wlan_ccmp_load="YES"
     51 	wlan_tkip_load="YES"
     52 reboot
     53 ifconfig wlan0 create wlandev <device_id>
     54 ifconfig wlan0 up scan
     55 service netif restart
     56 ```
     58 ## in vm
     59 * set virt-manager video to VGA for full res
     60 * remove 'tablet' device so mouse capture works
     62 ## devices
     63 * list devices
     64 ```
     65 geom disk list
     66 geom part list
     67 camcontrol devlist
     68 ```