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      1 <!DOCTYPE html>
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      5 	<title>pyratebeard</title>
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     10 <header>
     11 <span><h1 class="header">pyratebeard</h1></span>
     12 <p><a class="dead">who</a> :: <a href="">log</a> :: <a href="">git</a> :: <a href="/uses">uses</a> :: <a href="/links">links</a></p>
     13 </header>
     14 	<div class="container">
     15 		<div class="section">
     16 			<div id="me" class="subsection">
     17 				<p>A *nix sysadmin and consultant; hacker<sup><a href="#cite1">[1]</a></sup>; obsessive geek; open-source, security, and privacy advocate; <a href="/scrots"><em>ricer</em></a>; patient coffee brewer.</p>
     18 			</div>
     19 			<div id="log" class="subsection">
     20 				<p>Occassionally writes <a href="">log entries</a> related to free and open source software, digital security, and random musings, amongst other things. Microblogging can be found on the <a rel="me" href="">Fediverse</a>.</p>
     21 			</div>
     22 			<div id="code" class="subsection">
     23 				<p>Code written or used can be found in repositories on this domain's <a href="">git server</a> or on <a href="">gitlab</a>/<a href="">github</a>.</p>
     24 			</div>
     25 			<div id="uses" class="subsection">
     26 				<p>For a detailed list of current setup and preferred warez navigate <a href="/uses">here</a>. No affilitions unless specified.</p>
     27 			</div>
     28 			<div id="comms" class="subsection">
     29 				<p>To communicate use the address <code>root &lt;at&gt; pyratebeard &lt;dot&gt; net</code>, or for more direct contact use IRC:</p>
     30 				<ul>
     31 					<li>pyrate &nbsp;::&nbsp; <a href=""></a></li>
     32 					<li>pyratebeard &nbsp;::&nbsp; <a href="">darkscience</a>, <a href="">libera</a>, <a href="">oftc</a></li>
     33 				</ul>
     34 			</div>
     35 			<div id="encrypt" class="subsection">
     36 				<p>If you would like to communicate securely use the PGP key found <a href="">here</a>, or incant:</p>
     37 				<pre><code>curl | gpg --import</code></pre>
     38 				<p>Key ID: <code>0x5113A16D</code> &nbsp;::&nbsp; Fingerprint: <code>7A8E 129D BE67 9DAB AEB3 37C5 C787 7C71 5113 A16D</code></p>
     39 				<p>SSH key: <code>ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAICSluiY54h5FlGxnnXqifWPnfvKNIh1/f0xf0yCThdqV</code></p>
     40 				<p>Identity proof can be found on <a href="">keyoxide</a> and <a href="">keybase</a>.
     41 			</div>
     42 			<div id="now" class="subsection">
     43 				<h3>Current focus</h3>
     44 				<small>Inspired by <a href=""></a> &nbsp;::&nbsp; last updated 20250108</small>
     45 				<h4>Writings</h4>
     46 				<ul>
     47 					<li>Latest log entry &nbsp;&nbsp;::&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="">radical links</a></li>
     48 				</ul>
     49 				<h4>Projects</h4>
     50 				<ul>
     51 					<li>In progress &nbsp;::&nbsp; publish neovim oldriceputin colourscheme</li>
     52 					<li>Last completed &nbsp;::&nbsp; migrate digital media to new zpool</li>
     53 				</ul>
     54 				<h4>Creativity</h4>
     55 				<ul>
     56 					<li>Latest photo &nbsp;::&nbsp; <a href="">death becomes her</a></li>
     57 					<li>Most recent artwork &nbsp;::&nbsp; <a href="">Price Slasher Watcher Glitched</a></li>
     58 					<li>Last rice screenshot &nbsp;::&nbsp; <a href="">thirteee two</a></li>
     59 				</ul>
     60 				<h4>Reading</h4>
     61 				<ul>
     62 					<li>Currently reading &nbsp;::&nbsp; <a href="">Red Team Blues by Cory Doctorow</a></li>
     63 					<li>Last read &nbsp;::&nbsp; <a href="">Dune by Frank Herbert</a></li>
     64 				</ul>
     65 				<h4>Listening</h4>
     66 				<ul>
     67 					<li>Most played album of last week &nbsp;::&nbsp; <a href="">Bleed the Future by Archspire</a></li>
     68 					<li>Most recent podcast episode &nbsp;::&nbsp; <a href="">The Downbeat Podcast: Dani Filth (Cradle of Filth)</a></li>
     69 				</ul>
     70 				<h4>Watching</h4>
     71 				<ul>
     72 					<li>Most recent movie &nbsp;::&nbsp; <a href="">Sicario (2015)</a></li>
     73 					<li>New to me series &nbsp;::&nbsp; <a href="">The Penguin</a></li>
     74 					<li>Comfort rewatch series &nbsp;::&nbsp; <a href="">Black Books</a></li>
     75 				</ul>
     76 				<h4>Coffee</h4>
     77 				<ul>
     78 					<li>Currently in grinder &nbsp;::&nbsp; <a href="">Imbibe - Kenya Kamwangi AA</a></li>
     79 				</ul>
     80 			</div>
     81 			<div id="links" class="subsection">
     82 				<h3>Affiliations/webring</h3>
     83 				<ul>
     84 					<li><a href="">nixers</a> &nbsp;::&nbsp; community of *nix enthusiasts</li>
     85 					<li><a href="">Dublin Linux</a> &nbsp;::&nbsp; Ireland based Linux community</li>
     86 					<li><a href="">DotShare</a> &nbsp;::&nbsp; collection of dotfiles</li>
     87 					<li><a href="">xero</a></li>
     88 					<li><a href="">venam</a></li>
     89 					<li><a href="">z3bra</a></li>
     90 					<li><a href="">eyenx</a></li>
     91 					<li><a href="">jolia</a></li>
     92 					<li><a href="">drkhsh</a></li>
     93 				</ul>
     94 				<p>A curated list of links can be found <a href="/links">here</a>.</p>
     95 			</div>
     96 		</div>
     97 	</div>
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    102 <li><small id="cite1">1. As defined in <a href="">RFC1392 - <em>The Internet Users' Glossary</em></a></small></li>
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