20200323-comic_book_computer_desk.md (1126B)
1 As a lot of people are doing during the COVID-19 pandemic I am working from home a lot more. After the first week I decided my desk needed brightening up a bit. I picked up some cheap comic books from my LCS and set about covering my desk. 2 3  4 _obligatory before photo_ 5 6 My desk is a worktop/legs combo from Ikea so the legs screw off really easily. I cut out pages and panels from the comics, I tried not to weep while I destroyed them... 7 8  9 10 I spent a while laying the pages out to make sure the desk was covered and I had a good mix of styles. Once they were glued down I brushed on 5 coats of a clear sealer, leaving 20 minutes inbetween coats. 11 12  13 14 The completed desk, dry and back in place. 15 16  17 18 And the after photo. I'm really happy with how it turned out, and should make working from home a bit more interesting. 19 20  21