20220208-git_savvy.md (659B)
1 Last year I volunteered to give a talk at one of the [Dublin Linux Community](https://dublinlinux.org)'s online meetups. I decided to give a talk on [git](https://git-scm.com/), the version control system, and inspired by xero's [grok git](https://git.io/grokgit) I made the presentation a shell script. 2 3 To get a copy of the presentation script in your terminal incant 4 ``` 5 curl -L -o gitsavvy rum.sh/gitsavvy 6 sh ./gitsavvy 7 ``` 8 9 or if you trust me pipe directly into a shell 10 ``` 11 curl -sL rum.sh/gitsavvy | sh 12 ``` 13 14 The recording of the presentation is on my [peertube instance](https://tube.pyratebeard.net/videos/watch/270b2ffe-4918-46c5-915c-f76dbe998593).