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      1 This is one of a few entries I am working on about everyone's favourite text editor, [Vim]({target="_blank" rel="noreferrer"}.  There are plenty of Vim guides and tutorials on the internet already, from first steps to hardcore power user tips.  My entries are going to be somewhat of a middle ground.
      3 I have been using Vim as my main (read "_only_") text editor for many years.  Over this time I have continuously learnt new ways of working and how to use Vim's functions properly.
      5 In the past couple of years I have been working on enhancing my Vim workflow, the first step was to master [buffers]({target="_blank" rel="noreferrer"}.
      7 When I switched to Vim from [Sublime]({target="_blank" rel="noreferrer"} I had trouble getting over the use of tabs for open files.  Sublime, like a lot of GUI text editors, would open files in tabs at the top of the window.  Vim does have tabs but they are not generally used in the same way.
      9 Opening a file in Vim creates a buffer, by default filling the window.  If another file is opened the new buffer will fill the window, replacing the original buffer.  To view buffers incant
     10 ```
     11 :buffers
     12 ```
     14 or
     15 ```
     16 :ls
     17 ```
     19 This will list all open buffers displaying them each with a unique number, one or more indicators, the file in the buffer, and the line the cursor is on
     20 ```
     21   1  a   "entry/"  line 9
     22   5 #h   ""                 line 1
     23 ```
     25 In this example there are two buffers open, numbered 1 and 5.  The `a` indicator on buffer 1 means it is the active buffer, i.e. what is currently loaded in the window.  The `#` and `h` indicators on buffer 5 mean it is the alternate buffer (`#`) and it is hidden (`h`), i.e. it is loaded but not visible.
     27 The alternate buffer indicator is normally the previously active buffer.  Switching to this buffer is done with `CTRL-^` (that's `CTRL`, `SHIFT`, `6`, although most terminals will do the same with `CTRL`, `6`).  Meaning if two files are being worked on quickly toggle between them using `CTRL-^`.
     29 The unique number of a buffer doesn't change once it is open.  If the number of a buffer is known switch to it using `<number> CTRL-^`, or incant
     30 ```
     31 :buffer <number>
     32 ```
     34 or
     35 ```
     36 :b<number>
     37 ```
     39 #### quick tip
     40 In my ~/.vimrc I set the following keymap
     41 ```
     42 nnoremap <leader>b :ls<CR>:b
     43 ```
     45 With this I type `\b` (backslash is the default 'leader' key) to view my buffers, the prompt will wait for me to type a number and hit enter.  It has made managing a large number of buffers quite easy.  Vim also has a built in auto-complete.  By entering `:b <TAB>` Vim will cycle through the buffers, or start typing part of the filename or filepath and it will auto-complete.
     47 Find out more about buffers using Vim's help pages
     48 ```
     49 :help buffers
     50 :help :buffers
     51 ```
     53 ## split the difference
     54 Vim has the ability to split the window in order to show multiple buffers.  With a buffer already open incant
     55 ```
     56 :split <filename>
     57 ```
     59 This will split the window horizontally loading the new buffer so both files can be viewed at once.  It is also easy to split a loaded buffer with
     60 ```
     61 :sb<number>
     62 ```
     64 To vertical split the window incant
     65 ```
     66 :vert split <filename>
     67 :vsplit <filename>
     68 ```
     70 To vertical split a loaded buffer incant
     71 ```
     72 :vert sb<number>
     73 ```
     75 Navigating between splits can be done with `CTRL-W` commands, e.g. `CTRL-W h`, `CTRL-W j`, `CTRL-W k`, `CTRL-W l` are left, down, up, right, respectively.
     77 ## tabulous
     78 As mentioned previously Vim does have [tabs]({target="_blank" rel="noreferrer"} but they aren't designed to be used like other text editors.  If there are a few buffers open in splits, maybe opening another file for a quick change, such as a 'scratchpad', could mess up the layout.  Opening a tab will allow another file to be edited without disturbing the split layout.
     80 To open a new file in a tab incant
     81 ```
     82 :tabe <filename>
     83 ```
     85 Similarly to open a buffer in a tab incant
     86 ```
     87 :tab sb<number>
     88 ```
     90 Navigating tabs can be done in a number of ways, just like navigating buffers.  To get started, in normal mode `gt` and `gT` will switch to the next and previous tab respectively.
     92 There are other uses for tabs of course, although since learning to use buffers correctly I haven't missed them.
     94 To find out more about tabs incant
     95 ```
     96 :help tabs
     97 ```
     99 This has only been a brief overview of buffers, splits, and tabs.  For those that found this interesting take a look at the Vim help pages, or online resources such as [Vim Tips Wiki]({target="_blank" rel="noreferrer"}, and embrace Vim as it was designed.