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      1 A user's dotfiles are sacred.  I, like many others, try to maintain all of my custom configurations and scripts in a [git repo]({target="_blank" rel="noreferrer"}.
      3 This is a great when you need to build a new system, just clone and go.
      5 I have a number of different systems that I clone my dotfiles onto - PC, laptop, [phone]({target="_blank" rel="noreferrer"}, and my servers.
      7 All of these systems can be slightly different.  Maybe I'm running a different OS, like OpenBSD, so commands or filepaths are dissimilar.  To deal with this I would create a new branch as soon as I clone my repo specifically for that device and make any slight adjustments.
      9 Over time I would modify or improve my dotfiles, but I wouldn't always push the changes straight away.  I let things build up until I finally sit down, switch back to my main branch, and pick through the changes to push without including any device specific adjustments.
     11 This is a pain.  So I have decided to spend some time improving things meaning I can stick to my main branch on all devices.
     13 #### off the chain
     14 [b78637c91813483f9a9b80899c4f5d9ede5c14ed]({target="_blank" rel="noreferrer"}
     15 ```
     16 diff --git a/zsh/.zsh/keychain.zsh b/zsh/.zsh/keychain.zsh
     17 @@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
     18  # KEYCHAIN
     20 -# ssh key dir
     21 -SSH_KEY_DIR="$HOME/.ssh"
     22 +## don't run if keychain not installed (i.e a server)
     23 +if command -v keychain >/dev/null ; then
     24 +	# ssh key dir
     25 +	SSH_KEY_DIR="$HOME/.ssh"
     27 -GPG_TTY=$(tty)
     28 -export GPG_TTY
     29 +	GPG_TTY=$(tty)
     30 +	export GPG_TTY
     32 -# funtoo keychain
     33 -eval $(keychain -q --agents gpg --nogui --eval 0xC7877C715113A16D)
     34 -if [ "${gnupg_SSH_AUTH_SOCK_by:-0}" -ne $$ ] ; then
     35 -	export SSH_AUTH_SOCK="$(gpgconf --list-dirs agent-ssh-socket)"
     36 +	# funtoo keychain
     37 +	eval $(keychain -q --agents gpg --nogui --eval 0xC7877C715113A16D)
     38 +	if [ "${gnupg_SSH_AUTH_SOCK_by:-0}" -ne $$ ] ; then
     39 +		export SSH_AUTH_SOCK="$(gpgconf --list-dirs agent-ssh-socket)"
     40 +	fi
     41  fi
     42 ```
     44 On my servers I don't tend to need GPG but my zsh config includes running `keychain` to set up gpg agent when a terminal is started.  I modified my _keychain.zsh_ file to only run if `keychain` is installed.
     46 #### tmux, ahoy!
     47 [8af62ecd9c7e44a77a11541b558fe1ca069a6e14]({target="_blank" rel="noreferrer"}
     48 ```
     49 diff --git a/zsh/.zsh/welcome.zsh b/zsh/.zsh/welcome.zsh
     50 @@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
     51  # WELCOME
     52 +## don't run this if over ssh (i.e. a server)
     53 +[[ -v SSH_TTY ]] && exit 0
     55  PTS=$(ps -U $USER | awk '{ print $2 }' | grep "pts/" | uniq | wc -l)
     57 @@ -24,4 +26,4 @@ tmux list-sessions >/dev/null 2>&1 || script
     58  if [[ $TMUX_PANE == "%0" ]] && [[ ! -v VIMRUNTIME ]]; then
     59 	$HOME/bin/ahoy
     60  fi
     61 -cat ~/tmp/logo5
     62 +#cat ~/tmp/logo5
     63 ```
     65 My zsh setup also includes a script which starts `tmux` on the first terminal opened and then runs my custom `ahoy` script.  Again, I don't want or need this on my servers so I modified it not to run over ssh.
     67 My `ahoy` script works well on my main system but needs work to run without errors on my laptop.  Mainly ignoring backups and mail local to my PC.
     69 #### don't prompt me
     70 [056f2d6ddfdab3b9345bd8dd7b65430defa8f0e2]({target="_blank" rel="noreferrer"}
     71 ```
     72 diff --git a/zsh/.zsh/prompt.zsh b/zsh/.zsh/prompt.zsh
     73 @@ -99,8 +99,11 @@ PROMPT='${USER_LEVEL}[${COLOR_NORMAL}%~${USER_LEVEL}]$(GIT_PROMPT)── - %f'
     74  tiny)
     75  #PROMPT='%F{3} %%${COLOR_NORMAL} '
     76  # change prompt colour if started from vim
     77 -if [[ -v VIMRUNTIME || -v SSH_TTY ]] ; then
     78 -	PROMPT='%F{9} ──── ─${COLOR_NORMAL} '
     79 +if [[ -v VIMRUNTIME ]] ; then
     80 +	PROMPT='%F{13} ──── ─${COLOR_NORMAL} '
     81 +# change prompt to show hostname if over ssh
     82 +elif [[ -v SSH_TTY ]] ; then
     83 +	PROMPT='%F{13} ${HOSTNAME}%F{3}_ ${COLOR_NORMAL}'
     84  else
     85 	PROMPT='%F{11} ──── ─${COLOR_NORMAL} '
     86  fi
     87 ```
     89 My (current) zsh prompt is pretty minimal, showing `──── ─` on the left then the filepath and git branch details on the right.  For my servers I changed the prompt to show the hostname.  Now I have configured the prompt to automatically change to the hostname if connecting over `ssh`.  This is actually much nicer as my prompt was the same on my laptop and phone and sometimes I forgot if I was still in an `ssh` session.
     91 For [a while](20221020-shell_shocked.html){target="_blank" rel="noreferrer"} now I have been making use of the terminal buffer in `vim` so set a different colour prompt for that.
     94 #### hulk bash!
     95 [9aa4aee5b7a121c0af42de4bf730e8f23e8166f8]({target="_blank" rel="noreferrer"}
     96 ```
     97 15 files changed, 69 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
     98 ```
    100 This one is probably good practice anyway.  Switching all my `#!/bin/bash` crashbangs to `#!/usr/bin/env bash` because some systems, like the BSDs, use a different filepath for `bash`. (69 insertions, nice! *snigger*)
    102 #### moniker
    103 [58fa110b56b090fbb378a16ad8df5a812588a20b]({target="_blank" rel="noreferrer"}
    104 ```
    105 diff --git a/zsh/.zsh/aliases.zsh b/zsh/.zsh/aliases.zsh
    106 @@ -11,13 +11,19 @@
    107  #  author ▓▒ pyratebeard
    108  #    code ▓▒
    110 -    alias sudo='sudo ' # hack to allow aliases with sudo
    111 +# ▓▓▒░ root
    112 +# check for doas so aliases can be used on different systems
    113 +# add whitespace for hack to make aliases woth with {sudo,doas}
    114 +command -v doas >/dev/null && \
    115 +    alias sudo='doas ' || \
    116 +    alias sudo='sudo '
    118  # ▓▓▒░ sys
    120 [output ommitted]
    122  # ▓▓▒░ fun(ctions)
    123 @@ -219,6 +225,6 @@
    124          pandoc -s -t man "$*" | man -l -
    125      }
    127 -    :q() {
    128 -        [[ -v SSH_TTY ]] && echo dumpshock || sudo systemctl poweroff
    129 +    :q!() {
    130 +        [[ -v SSH_TTY ]] && echo dumpshock || sudo halt -p
    131      }
    132 ```
    134 Aliases are important, there were a couple of changes required here.  First some systems use `doas` instead of `sudo` so I put in a check for `doas` and if it exists I alias it to `sudo`.  That way all my aliases that are configured to use `sudo` don't break.  My shutdown function also had to be modified to work on any platform, so I switched to directly calling `halt`.
    136 #### epithet
    137 [255622b7c1b8e68529be337126bfdbd9575c609e]({target="_blank" rel="noreferrer"}
    138 ```
    139 diff --git a/zsh/.zsh/aliases.zsh b/zsh/.zsh/aliases.zsh
    140 @@ -18,10 +18,26 @@ command -v doas >/dev/null && \
    141      alias sudo='doas ' || \
    142      alias sudo='sudo '
    144 +# ▓▓▒░ unix
    145 +# openbsd's ls(1) doesn't provide the `--color` option.
    146 +# i have grown to like this and spent a long time
    147 +# trying to find a work around, but none exists tiko.
    148 +# so i succumbed to installing coreutils and doing this
    149 +command -v gls >/dev/null && \
    150 +    alias ls="gls -hF --color=auto" || \
    151 +    alias ls="ls -hF --color=auto"
    152 +
    153 +# i also need dircolors(1) from coreutils for zsh autocompletion
    154 +command -v gdircolors >/dev/null && alias dircolors="gdircolors"
    155 +
    156 +# i make use of some funky shit in my log makefiles
    157 +# which isn't possible using the openbsd make(1)
    158 +command -v gmake >/dev/null && alias make='gmake'
    159 +
    160 +
    161  # ▓▓▒░ sys
    162 ```
    164 More alias issues, this time with `ls`.  I have grown to like colour output with `ls` but the OpenBSD package doesn't provide the `--color` option.  I attempted to find a workaround but instead succumbed to installing the coreutils package which includes `gls`, and thus providing `--color`.  I then check which package is installed to set my alias.
    166 The same check is configured in my `chpwd_auto_cd` function as it didn't seem to pick up the alias.  If you're interested, [this function]({target="_blank" rel="noreferrer"} auto runs `ls` when I `cd` into a directory.
    168 The coreutils package also gives me `gdircolors`, a substitute for `dircolors`, which is used in my zsh autocompletion settings.
    170 #### mainland
    171 These small changes mean I don't have to make device specific modifications to my dots, which in turn will (hopefully) help me to keep my repo more regularly updated.
    173 There are still a few updates that required to make it close to perfect.  As mentioned, my `ahoy` script doesn't run properly on any device other that my PC.
    175 I also use a script for `tmux` on my laptop which displays battery information.  I want to work on this and make it cross-device compatible.
    177 How do you manage your dots across devices?