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commit 0288af16f657e36af3b7070cef8a03d53e153923
parent 9bf419782cefdcba4552271405326f09c2d35fa6
Author: pyratebeard <>
Date:   Mon, 27 May 2019 11:21:39 +0100

redesign complete

Aindex.html | 52++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Astatic/css/style.css | 66++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Astatic/fnt/saxmono-webfont.woff | 0
Astatic/img/rootimg.png | 0
4 files changed, 118 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/index.html b/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +<html> +<head> + <link href="/static/css/style.css" rel="stylesheet"> + <link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-oS3vJWv+0UjzBfQzYUhtDYW+Pj2yciDJxpsK1OYPAYjqT085Qq/1cq5FLXAZQ7Ay" crossorigin="anonymous"> +</head> +<body> + <div class="container"> + <div class="section"> + <img src="/static/img/rootimg.png"/> + </div> + <div class="section"> + <header> + <h1>pyratebeard &lt;dot&gt; net</h1> + </header> + <div class="subsection"> + <h2>me</h2> + <p>A professional Linux engineer based in Dublin, IE. I have years of experience in the infosec world, currently working in the devops team at an IT security company.</p> + </div> + <div class="subsection"> + <h2>log</h2> + <p>Occassionally I will <a href="">post articles</a> related to technology, security, free and open source software, and tips or tricks that I have found useful.</p> + </div> + <div class="subsection"> + <h2>code</h2> + <p>Some of the code that I write or use can be found in repositories on my <a href="">git server</a> or on <a href="">gitlab</a>/<a href="">github</a>.</p> + </div> + <div class="subsection"> + <h2>comms</h2> + <p>If you would like to reach out my addresses are:</p> + <ul> + <li>root &lt;at&gt; pyratebeard &lt;dot&gt; net</li> + <li>pyratebeard &lt;at&gt; protonmail &lt;dot&gt; com</li> + </ul> + <p>For more direct contact message me on IRC:</p> + <ul> + <li>pyrtbrd @ <a href=""></a></li> + <li>pyratebeard @ <a href="">geekshed</a></li> + </ul> + <p>You can also connect with me on <a href="">mastodon</a> or <a href="">twitter</a>. + </div> + <div class="subsection"> + <h4>encrypt</h4> + <p>If you would like to communicate securely my PGP key can be found <a href="">here</a>, or incant:</p> + <pre>curl | gpg --import</pre> + <code>7A8E 129D BE67 9DAB AEB3 37C5 C787 7C71 5113 A16D</code> + <p/> + <p>Identity proof can be found on <a href="">keybase</a>. + </div> + </div> + </div> +</body> +</html> diff --git a/static/css/style.css b/static/css/style.css @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +@font-face { + font-family: 'saxmono'; + src: url('/static/fnt/saxmono-webfont.woff') format('woff'); + font-weight: normal; + font-style: normal; +} + +body { + background-color: #202224; + color: #beced0; + font-family: "saxmono"; + font-size: 16px +} + +.container { + display: flex; + flex-wrap: wrap +} +.section { + margin: 20px; + max-width: 599px +} +h1,h2,h3,h4,h5 { + text-transform: uppercase +} + +h1 { + color: #cd6e42 +} + +h2,h3,h4,h5 { + color: #646086 +} + +a { + color: #62a8b2; + text-decoration: none +} + +a:active,a:hover,a:focus { + color: #33708c +} + +ul { + list-style: ': ' +} + +code { + background-color: #364047; + font-family: "saxmono"; + font-size: 14px; + padding: 0px 3px 0px 3px; + border-radius: 5px +} + +pre { + color: #dceef1; + background-color: #161719; + font-family: "saxmono"; + font-size: 14px; + padding: 9.5px; + border: 1px solid #76b660; + border-radius: 5px; + display: table +} + diff --git a/static/fnt/saxmono-webfont.woff b/static/fnt/saxmono-webfont.woff Binary files differ. diff --git a/static/img/rootimg.png b/static/img/rootimg.png Binary files differ.